Cannabis has Found a New Demographic: Seniors!

For as long as anyone can remember, cannabis use has been associated with young people. If you were to picture the archetype of the stereotypical stoner, you would probably picture a young man in his late teens or twenties. Now, as cannabis is legalized in more and more states and cannabis use begins to become more normalized, we are beginning to see the demographic of the average cannabis user change quite a bit. One of the fastest growing demographics: senior citizens.

By now it is well known that cannabis can be used to treat a number of different medical ailments, such as aches and pains, inflammation, seizures, arthritis, and even diabetes, just to name a few. What do most of these medical conditions have in common? They are common in people over 55. Seniors are discovering that cannabis is more effective at treating their medical conditions than any of the other medications they were using, and they love it!

Cannabis use is becoming so popular with seniors that there is even a chartered bus that residents of Laguna Woods Village, an “active-lifestyle community” in Orange County, California board a chartered bus once a month to visit a dispensary. The bus, which is affectionately referred to as the “cannabus” is paid for by Bud and Bloom, a dispensary located in Santa Ana, that advertises itself as being “senior friendly.”

The seniors who visit the dispensary each month look forward to their visit like little kids look forward to Christmas. Most of them were introduced to cannabis by their grandchildren or other younger members of their families. Many in the group bring “shopping lists” filled with requests from their friends.

The employees at Bud and Bloom are happy to answer any questions the seniors might have. A discussion about how to make cannabutter might take place in one part of the dispensary, as another couple asks questions about topicals. It’s heartening to see so many seniors getting their lives back since they started using cannabis. They are able to remain active and enjoy the many activities that their community offers. Hopefully this trend continues.

Source: CNN

Image Source: Westworld

Do you know of any seniors that have been helped by using cannabis? Got anything else to add? Share with us in the comment section!