On Halloween, the Mexican Supreme Court surprised everyone with their latest ruling that cannabis criminalization is unconstitutional. Reuters reports.
Grasscity Blog
There are some people who are just born to be great sales people, and this nine year old Girl Scout is a natural. Last week, nine year old Elina Childs made the news because she sold her entire supply of Girl Scout Cookies to customers waiting in line.
Ladies, would you ever use something called a “weed tampon” if you knew that it would relieve you of all of the symptoms of your period? I know I absolutely would. Imagine not having to deal with cramps, bloating and generally feeling like crap? A new.
Recreational cannabis is now legal in Canada! Yay Canada! This is a momentous occasion, not just for the people of Canada, but for the rest of us as well. Canada is the first major country to legalize cannabis for recreational use, for all adults across.
Elon Musk, who made big headlines a couple weeks ago when he appeared on Joe Rogan’s podcast and took a hit off a rather large blunt, has reportedly been offered 150 thousand dollars to appear in a weed themed porno film, The Sun .
Cops in Florida are looking for a woman who was photographed grabbing a rather large amount of weed from an even larger bundle of weed that had washed up on the beach in Flagler county Florida. Last week, the Flagler County sheriff's department posted.
Last week super billionaire tech bro Elon Musk went on the Joe Rogan Experience and it went about as well as could be expected. Musk talked about his design for an electric.
LA based dispensary chain MedMen is attempting to bring cannabis into the mainstream with a brand new ad campaign that started this month, AdWeek .
California has some of the strictest cannabis quality control laws in the US. Is this why most of the weed in California is not up to the state’s strict standards?
Starting on July 1st, the state of.
This summer, cannabis biotech company MediPen will be opening the doors of their very own cannabis research facility, making them the first in the UK to open a dedicated cannabis research facility in the UK, that is also open to the public. The purpose.
An extremely unlucky Virginia man was arrested for trying to sell weed to a cop after accidentally dialing and texting to a wrong number. No really. That has got to be the unluckiest case of a wrong number that I’ve ever heard.
Two of my all time favorite stoner celebrities, Snoop Dogg and Sir Patrick Stewart are investing in a British cannabis company together, which will of course mean great things for the company in question. Snoop has invested a total of 10 million dollars.
710, the day of dabbing is upon us! Dabbing is becoming one of the most popular methods of cannabis consumption, but there are still a lot of people that haven’t tried dabs and have some questions before they will consider doing it. Here are some of the.
It’s been an exciting year for Snoop Dogg. Last month he discovered a pine cone while chilling at BFF Martha Stewart’s house in New York. He wrapped.
This year looks like it will be a good year for cannabis legalization as four states are putting cannabis on the ballot. The best news, it looks as though each ballot measure stands a good chance of passing. So, who’s putting cannabis on the ballot this.
Recently our favorite ganja enthusiast Snoop Dogg, made a trip to Martha Stewart’s vast compound in Katonah, New York. while he was there, naturally he managed to get properly baked and do some walking around Martha’s giant estate. While on his journey.
For as long as anyone can remember, cannabis use has been associated with young people. If you were to picture the archetype of the stereotypical stoner, you would probably picture a young man in his late teens or twenties. Now, as cannabis is legalized.
Leafbuyer.com, the site that connects cannabis consumers to the best deals on products available in dispensaries in their area, has unveiled exclusive photos and video of “Markle Sparkle,” a new strain of cannabis developed by Tyler Dooley, the nephew of the soon to be member of the royal family Meghan Markle. Dooley is the son of Meghan’s half-brother Thomas Markle Jr.Dooley partnered with the Denver-based company Leafbuyer.com, and has released the first photos of Markle Sparkle. “We’re thrilled Mr. Dooley chose Leafbuyer to help launch his new ‘royal’ strain,” Kurt Rossner, CEO of Leafbuyer Technologies Inc, said. “Our job, as the premier cannabis deals, news, education and lifestyle website, is to help consumers find products like Markle Sparkle once it’s available for purchase at local dispensaries.”Dooley currently grows cannabis for medical use in Grants Pass, OR. He cultivated the special strain to honor his aunt, Meghan Markle, and her upcoming marriage to Prince Harry. He along with his business partner, Mama D. and Daley Organics, a premier grower in the northwest collaborated on cultivating and growing the new strain. Markle Sparkle will be released June 2 at the High Times Cannabis Cup Northern California at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds in Santa Rosa. Dooley, along with representatives from Leafbuyer.com, will be offering samples of Markle Sparkle. The new strain will sell at dispensaries for approximately $280/oz..
Former NFL star and Dolphins running back Ricky Williams has now entered the cannabiz by starting his long promised cannabis lifestyle brand, Real Wellness. Williams was a former Heisman trophy winner with a promising career, but he was best known for.
Ex Speaker of the House and current tobacco industry representative, John Boehner has recently jioned the board of a cannabis advisory board. I have somewhat mixed feelings about this. This week Boehner, whose name I love to intentionally mispronounce,.
A new bill making its way around the New Jersey legislature would make a move towards legalizing recreational cannabis in the state. The new legislation, proposed by Assemblyman Reed Gusciora (D-Mercer) would allow for more than 400 dispensaries in the.
Valentine’s day is next week, so you’d probably better have some sort of nice surprise planned for your partner. There are lots of possibilities on this most lovey dovey of days.
I would suggest surprising.
Recreational weed is legal in California, so that means you’ll be able to smoke up while you’re hanging out at Coachella, right? Nope, as it turns out. Coachella has not embraced the rest of the state’s enlightened attitude toward cannabis and have instead.
As Canada gets ready to legalize cannabis for recreational use, the Canadian government is considering whether or not to pardon low level drug offenders. The answer is yes, of course they should.
Public Safety.
Former world heavyweight champion, convicted rapist and biter of ears, Mike Tyson is just the latest celebrity to jump.
This winter marks the first season where recreational cannabis will be available in both California and Nevada, two popular destinations for both skiiing and snowboarding. Finally you’ll be able to hit the slopes in one of the many awesome resorts in.
California’s recreational weed market is set to open on on January first, which is only a few weeks from now. Ordinarily, this would be cause for great excitement, but the state has been a raging inferno for most of the season. California has suffered.
The US government said earlier this year that they wanted to grow more grass for the purpose of expanding research into the plant. Yahoo.
This week the DEA made the outrageous pronouncement that the synthetic cannabis drug Syndros is safer than cannabis itself. This should clear up any doubt that the DEA is more interested in protecting the interests of large pharmaceutical corporations.
For the first time ever cannabis is headed to the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). This is a big deal for those who have been interested in investing in the cannabis industry. The fund, which is called Alternative Agroscience ETF, will begin trading on.
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