If you are one of the thousands of New Yorkers who suffers from post traumatic stress syndrome aka PTSD, then you have some good news: you can now obtain medical cannabis in your state. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a new provision into law that.
Grasscity Blog
Three days ago Poland became the latest country to legalize medical cannabis. They join other European countries like Germany, Greece, and Italy. Polish pharmacists will now be allowed to offer patients cannabis, as long as it has been recorded with the.
In the last five years, the number of states that have legalized adult-use marijuana has jumped from zero to eight. Despite mixed signals from the current federal administration, more and more states are lining up to follow suit. Add to that the states.
A great thing happened yesterday. The famous Doctor Oz, known for his views on holistic medicine and nutrition, completely owned the dunces who host Fox News’ often incomprehensible morning show Fox and Friends..
You may have been hearing about something called “wet weed” recently. When I say wet weed, I don’t mean weed that you accidently put in the dryer. This is something else entirely. You may have heard that it will get you really high and that it’s really.
The Senate did something right for once (two things if you count failing to repeal Obamacare). They decided to go against Jeff Sessions by renewing the Rohrabacher-Blumenauer (formerly Rohrabacher-Farr) amendment. Months ago, Sessions asked the Senate.
Actor, comedian, and well known cannabis connoisseur Seth Rogen divulged a rather surprising fact about himself and Snoop Dogg during a recent appearance on Howard Stern’s show on Sirius XM Radio. Apparently neither him or Snoop Dogg mess around with.
Last week Oregon lawmakers voted on a bill that would decriminalize possession of drugs like cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine. Let me be clear: this does not mean that all drugs are legal in Oregon now. In this case decriminalization means that possession.
Yesterday an article on High.
I hate hangovers. I know, everyone does. When I first started drinking, I could drink full fifths of vodka and wake up the next day feeling fine and frisky. Now, after a night of heavy boozing I wake up feeling like I’ve been run over by a tank. Part.
One of the prevailing myths about people who use cannabis that just doesn’t seem to go away is the myth of the unemployed and unmotivated stoner. Well, maybe we can swap that inaccurate stereotype for another one: the successful stoner.
It's that time. You're about to load a fresh bowl in your favorite piece and you notice that horrible stench. Oh no, it's your bong. So now you've noticed that your.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions is being a lot more open mouthed about his intentions toward legal cannabis now that he has been confirmed. Sessions more or less declared war on cannabis yesterday, linking cannabis legalization to violence. This claim.
When it comes to texting, there is no shortage of emojis, you know those fun little emoticons that seem to accompany every text message, social media post, and are sometimes even on emails from my professors. Except that there are no emojis for stoners.
I need to get something off of my chest, you guys. I was recently having lunch with a friend, and she was telling me that she was having problems with her current boyfriend. Her ex (the guy from the previous relationship) told her, “That’s what you get.
Is it hard for you to stay in one place for long? Does your will belong to the whim of the wind? If so, you better stock up before heading out with these necessities for the traveling stoner!
A Small Pipe Or One-Hitter
An obvious necessity.
Since 1887, coupons have changed the way commerce operates. Coupons not only changed how customers bought products, but they drastically changed marketing styles and sales techniques.
Let's start with the basics, detoxing is what happens the first few days to weeks after you stop putting whatever your substance of choice is into your body, this still applies to cannabis. When your body is detoxing, it is releasing the residual toxins.
I’ve been smoking weed for almost 16 years now, after starting in my early teens. I’ve experienced the fun of being a stoner at every stage of my youth, and I can tell you that as you get older, being a stoner only gets better and better. Being a stoner.
As a stoner, you probably take some flak. Not to say that people generally dislike stoners, but there are still negative stigmas that surround the cannabis culture. I think that this all starts when people assume that being a stoner is simply a hobby.
As a cannabis enthusiast, you may have been told that you need to quit smoking weed in order to get anywhere in life. This is complete bullshit. So, how does one go about being a high functioning stoner? A lot of it is being responsible and using common.
Do you consider yourself to be an oil head? Do you gripe to your friends whenever they heat their nails to red-hot temperatures and then immediately throw down the concentrate? If you care about your dabs, then you know that concentrates hit totally different.
People have probably told you that smoking weed will cause you to amount to nothing. This is definitely not true because some of the most successful people of the twentieth and twenty first century were or currently are cannabis users. When someone tells.
These days everyone wants to become a budtender. I don’t blame them, being a budtender would be a pretty amazing job. Before you attempt to become one, there are some things that you should know. A passion for cannabis is a great start, but there are.
Stoners are pretty good at spotting fellow ganja gurus. We have a stoner radar similar to gaydar. Once we find each other we usually stick together. So how do you spot a fellow stoner?
Resin On The Lighter
Next time you borrow a lighter.
Are you ready to propose to the stoner girl of your dreams, but unsure how to go about asking her? Sure, you could do it the traditional way by getting down on one knee, or you could embarrass her by proposing on the kiss cam at a baseball game. Wouldn’t.
Many of us started college this week. Some of you are starting your freshman year and it’s your first time being out on your own. You’re probably going to be offered a chance to smoke some weed. If you’ve already been smoking, you might be considering.
Hotboxing is fun and it definitely does work, according to a study done by Johns Hopkins. If you love hotboxing, then you should definitely try.
So you’ve just smoked a fattie and now you’ve got the munchies. You’re craving something other than a bag of chips, or the usual drive through fare. The thing is you’re broke and payday isn’t for another week. You can still make some pretty bomb snacks.
Pranks are fun to pull on people, especially if you’re really good at it. They’re even funnier to pull on your friends when they’re incredibly baked. If you’re trying to figure out something to do after toking up, try some of these hilarious pranks.
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September 21, 2015
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