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Jane West The Taster | Cobalt

By Jane West

Stylish one-hitter pipe from the Jane West Collection

  • Made from high-quality borosilicate glass
  • Pure cobalt ore used to create deep blue hue
  • Portable design
  • Flared bowl with narrowing
  • Comfortable mouthpiece
  • Glass roll stopper
  • Jane West logo beneath the mouthpiece

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Jane West Onesie Taster

The Taster is Jane Wests vision of the perfect one-hitter pipe. Measuring only 3 inches / 7.6 cm in length it is perfect for discrete mobile use. It can easily be tucked away in your pocket or purse when not in use.

This stylish one-hitter might be the smallest design from the Jane West Collection, but don’t let its size fool you, because of its roomy bowl, it still packs a real punch. The bowl holds enough herbs to provide you with 2 to 3 hits with one fill-up. It doesn’t feature a carb hole, so all you have to do is fill up the bowl, ignite and enjoy!

The Taster has an ergonomic design consisting of a slightly flared bowl with narrowing and a very comfortable mouthpiece, all combined in one small device built to provide you with an optimal smoking experience. A glass roll stopper is placed on the body, just below the bowl, to prevent it from rolling off surfaces. The Jane West logo is placed just below the mouthpiece, so you know you got the real deal! Make sure to buy your very own Taster, a.k.a Onesie, at Grasscity.com while stock lasts.



Brand Jane West
Type of product Chillum
Category Asignments Smoking Pipe
Color cobalt blue
Length 7.6 cm / 3 inch
Material Glass
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