The Stoner Dictionary

Stoner Dictionary
- 10mm joint/14.4mm joint/18.8mm joint - The three most common sizes of joints attached to water pipes.
- 420 - Originating from the stoner holiday on April 20th, ‘420’ has come to refer to anything herb friendly.
- 710 - Referring to a newer holiday on July 10th, being coined “710 OIL Day” due to the fact that 710 reads “OIL” when turned upside down, specifically supporting dabbing and the use of canna-oils and concentrates.
- Adapter - An attachment to your bong’s joint that converts it into another form/size of joint. Ie: An 18mm Male to a 14mm Male.
- Ashcatcher - An attachment to the joint of your bong that usually contains another water chamber and form of percolation to catch most of the ash and resin before it enters your water pipe
- Atomizer - The part of a vaporizer that turns e-liquid into vapor, doing so by heating the e-liquid via coil conduction.
- Balloon Bag - A bag that attaches to desktop vaporizers that fill with vapor.
- Beaker Base - A style of water pipe that’s main base resembles that of a scientific beaker.
- Bing - A miniature bong
- Blunt - A cigarillo lookalike containing any combination of flower and tobacco, although usually contains just flower, rolled within a tobacco leaf.
- Bogarting - Hogging the bowl/joint. Example sentence: “Bruh, stop bogarting the J, pass it over here.”
- Bomber - A joint filled with a large amount of herb, usually at least a gram. Almost as large as a blunt.
- Bong - Also referred to as a ‘water pipe,’ ‘rig,’ ‘piece,’ etc. A device that comprises of a bowl, a stem, a water chamber, a tube and a mouthpiece that is designed to smoke flower. Usually made from acrylic or high-quality glass.
- Borosilicate Glass - A type of glass with silica and boron trioxide as the main glass forming components. Known for being more resistant to thermal shock than other types of glass.
- Bowl - The area or attachment to your pipe that you place dry flower onto for combustion.
- Bubbler - A cross between a hand-pipe and a bong, a bubbler usually fits in one hand and doesn’t hit as hard as a bong.
- Budiquette - Etiquette, courtesy, and customs of the stoner culture.
- Canoeing Joint - When a rolled joint/blunt/etc. burns unevenly, creating a canoe-like formation in the paper.
- Carb Cap - A covering for your domed or domeless nail that will preserve the heat within the nail chamber and regulate airflow for more efficient dabbing.
- Cashed - When all of the usable flower in the bowl has been smoked. Also known as: spent, finished, burnt, dead bowl.
- CBD - One of the two main active chemicals in the herb, utilized mainly for medicinal purposes.
- Chillum/One-Hitter - A small pipe used for smoking small amounts of dry herb.
- Clearing the Bowl - Torching all remaining flower inside of the bowl and clearing it away.
- Concentrates - Also referred to as “Dabs” a form of flower that has been pressed and infused in a type of wax or oil and is used for vaporizing on a nail.
- Cone - A paper pre-rolled in the shape of a cone for easy joint-making.
- Cornering the Bowl - The art of lighting one small section of the bowl to get the most out of your flower.
- Cotton Mouth - Slang term for the condition of dry mouth due to smoking herbs/concentrates and possible dehydration.
- Dab Rig - A water pipe or bubbler designed with the specific purpose of smoking concentrates.
- Dabber - A tool used to manipulate your concentrates and to place concentrates into a heated nail for dabbing.
- Dabs - Slang term for concentrates, also known as shatter, budder, crumble, etc.
- Diffused Downstem - A downstem that has extra forms of percolation than a standard downstem.
- Domed Nail - A two-piece system that includes a heating nail and a dome. After the heating nail reaches ideal temperature, the user places the dome over the heated nail to contain escaping vapor, and to avoid touching the burning nail, before touching the concentrate to the nail.
- Domeless Nail - A single-piece nail that doesn’t contain a dome that one places over the heated nail before taking a dab.
- Dose - In medical terms, the specific amount of herb recommended that a patient take.
- Downstem - The long glass piece that is used to connect the bowl to the bong.
- Drop Down - An adjustable adapter for a dag/oil rig, specifically designed to add attachments without adding too much height to the rig.
- Dry Piece - Any smoking tool that doesn’t utilize water, examples would be most hand-pipes, glass joints, chillums/one-hitters, etc.
- Dugout - A all-in-one system that usually comprises of one item that has special compartments to hold a one-hitter/bat and a storage of flower.
- E-Nail - An electronic nail
- Female Joint - A joint ending where it ends wider at the end than at the base, meant to connect to male joints
- Filter - An insert you can buy for your rolled joints that prevents excess flower from escaping the joint and entering your mouth mid-hit.
- Fumed Glass - Glass that changes color over time as you smoke with it.
- Glass-On-Glass - Any water piece where the airtight seal is made using a glass joint, instead of a rubber stopper.
- G-pen - Referring to the original brand of G-Pen has come to be a general term for any handheld vaporizer designed for concentrates.
- Gravity Bong “Grav” “Aqua Lung” - A form of water pipe that usually utilizes water and the principles of gravity to fill up containers with smoke before opening the container and inhaling the smoke.
- Greens - The top layer of the bowl, where it is all green, widely known as the best part of the bowl.
- Grinder - A device meant to rip apart nugs into easily manageable flower perfect for loading bowls or rolling. Some also come with pollen collectors for kief storage.
- Hash - Short for “hashish”, an extracted product consisting of compressed trichomes from an herb plant. Hash has a higher concentration of THC and other cannabinoids than dried herb.
- Heady Glass - Glass made that is very stylized, often fairly colorful and handmade.
- Healthstone - A completely inert stone made from carbon used for dabbing concentrates.
- Heat Gun - A heating device used for heating nails for dabbing that uses dry-heat, rather than an open flame.
- Hemp Wick - A wick made from hemp fiber and beeswax used in the process of smoking grass, considered a safe alternative to the traditional butane lighter.
- Hit - The process of taking one drag from a rolled item or a glass piece.
- Hotbox - The act of filling a enclosed space (such as a car, closet, or room) with copious smoke without letting it escape or cycling in new air.
- Ice Pinch - An attachment to some water pipes that allows you to insert ice, usually within the mouthpiece, that will cool smoke as it passes through it.
- Incycler - Short for “internal recycler,” an incycler keeps water constantly moving through the piece with the purpose of providing better filtration.
- Indica - A type of herb known for producing a relaxing body high and a feeling of general wellbeing.
- Joint (Glass) - The part of a glass piece where the bowl or nail connects to the body, comes in sizes of 18mm, 14mm, and 10mm
- Joint (Roll) - A rolled cigarillo containing only flower (no tobacco) and is rolled with rice or hemp papers.
- Kief - Slang term for the pollen that is derived from grinding/shaking/trimming weed. Usually used to top bowls/joints and make hash.
- Knife-hit - A method of smoking herb that involves putting a nug between two hot knives and inhaling the smoke, usually with the aid of a bottle with the bottom cut out.
- Lab Glass - Glass pieces that are designed with durability and functionality in mind, usually making them Scientific styled, as well as made with high-quality glass.
- Male Joint - A type of joint that is more narrow at the end and is meant to fit a female joint. More commonly found on dab/oil rigs.
- Moak - A hit from a pipe/water pipe that is a mixture of flower and tobacco.
- Nail - An attachment to the end of a water pipe in place of a bowl that is used for the smoking of concentrates.
- Nectar Collector - A pipe meant for concentrates that can be dry or have a water chamber that is used by heating the end of the pipe and then dragging it along your concentrates while inhaling.
- Nug - A slang term for a bud of really high quality herb.
- Parking - Neglecting to pass the joint/pipe onto the next member of the circle immediately after completing your hit.
- Percolator - Devices of design within water-pipes meant to cool the smoke by filtering it through water in various scientific and visually appealing ways. Also referred to as a “Perc.”
- Piece - Slang for glass items.
- Pinner - A rolled joint or blunt that is thin or lacking in content.
- Pollen/Kief Catcher - An attachment to most 3-part and larger grinders that allows pollen/kief to pass through a mesh screen into a storage compartment.
- Pollen Press - A device meant to apply immense pressure to your pollen/kief for the process of making ‘kief pucks’ or hash.
- Reclaim - Leftover concentrate in your nail and pipe. Due to it’s popularity of being collected and resmoked, it has been named ‘Reclaim.’
- Resin - Leftover flower material that accumulates inside your glass, some collect it and smoke it, although it’s not as effective as fresh flower.
- Roller - A device that will automatically roll joints/spliffs/blunts for you.
- Rolling Papers - Papers usually made of rice or hemp meant for rolling flower into a cigarette looking item known as a ‘joint.’
- Sativa - a type of herb known for producing an energetic and psychoactive high, thought to be helpful for increasing creativity.
- Schwag - Low-quality herb, also known as “Bitchweed.”
- Scientific Glass - Glass bongs or bubblers that are made in a scientific style, focusing on complex designs and percolators rather than aesthetically pleasing colors or style.
- Screen - A purchasable mesh screen that can be placed in the bottom of your bowl and will prevent excess ash from entering the pipe itself.
- Seasoning (Your Titanium Nail) - The act of heating up a titanium nail, letting it cool and cleaning it several times to remove the metallic taste that some claim comes with new nails.
- Shake - A collection of the herb and crystals that fall off nugs and collect at the bottom of a bag or stash jar.
- Sherlock Pipe - A glass pipe that is shaped like a traditional smoking pipe, like one Sherlock Holmes would’ve smoked out of.
- Space Cruise - The act of driving and smoking
- Splash Guard - A design feature for some water pipes for the specific purpose of preventing water from reaching the user’s mouth, only smoke.
- Spliff - A rolled cigarette with a mixture of flower and tobacco.
- Spoof/Smoke Buddies - A device that can be homemade (spoof) or store bought (Smoke Buddy) that’s design is to either reduce the smell/effects of smoke or to eliminate smoke entirely.
- Spoonbowl Pipe - A glass pipe resembling a spoon, the most common type of glass pipe.
- Steamroller - A type of cylindrical pipe with openings on both ends and the bowl at the top.
- Stemless - A design feature of water pipes
- Straight Tube - A type of bong or water piece which does not have a rounded base.
- Strain - Referring to a pure or hybrid variety of indica or sativa, typically bred for specific characteristics, such as higher THC content.
- THC - An acronym for “tetrahydrocannabinol” the main active ingredient in the herb that gets you high.
- Tips/Crutches - A rolled piece of construction paper or bought filters that go at the base of your joints to assist with rolling and to increase smoking pleasure by cm
- Torch - Slang term for a butane torch, a widely used tool for heating up a nail when preparing to smoke concentrates.
- Trim - A collection of herb leaves trimmed from the plant that have trichomes on them. Not to be confused with shake.
- Tube/Whip - Attachments to your desktop vaporizer for you to breathe vapor in through, or to fill your balloon bags with.
- Vape Pen - A personal vaporizer that is shaped/sized similarly to a writing utensil, vape pens are usually concentrate vaporizers due to a herb vaporizer requiring larger heating chambers.
- Vaporizer “vapes” - A piece used for consuming herb that utilizes convection heat to reach a temperature that turns the cannabinoids into vapor to be inhaled, considered to be a healthier alternative to the combustion method.
- Volcano - Reference to one widely successful brand of desktop vaporizers that also is a general term for any Desktop vaporizer.
- Water Chamber - The main chambers of any bong or bubbler, where you pour most of the water in and will usually contain the main form of percolation for your piece.
- Waterfall - A type of gravity bong that is constructed by cutting holes in the bottom of a two-liter bottle, rather than removing the entire bottom. The bottle is filled with water by plugging the holes. Water is let out while simultaneously lighting the bowl, filling the bottle with smoke.
- Water Pipe - The technical for a bong, a device that utilizes water to cool down the smoke for a more pleasurable smoking experience.
- Zong - A popular brand of glass, though the term typically refers to a type of bong where the mouthpiece is shaped like a “z”